7 Months and no word…

So here I am once again. I have to make it clear from the beginning that I have no clear topic or a subject on which I am going to write anything in this post. I have logged back in my account after 7 months and I have no idea how time flew by. Hence, I decided to write something, anything today. Everything I say will be candid, unedited and purely from my heart and emotions.

It has been 7 months and no word at all from me. In the last few months I simply lost track and in a way, I would say I have lost a lot of hobbies and the things that I used to find fun no longer seems to excite me. Writing is clearly one of them. It would be safe to say that I have had nothing informative to share. That explains why I have been “invisible”.

However, I got to say this activity seems enjoyable. It is a change for sure. I can write whatever the hell I want because I am writing for the sake of writing. Technically, I am typing. But there should be something to speak about. We’re just going round and round in circles here and there is no conclusion to it.

It’s 6:22 am at the moment and I haven’t slept all night. Wow. I know I shouldn’t do this but I am young and I want to experiment. Surely I wouldn’t be able to do these kind of things when I grow even older. I would probably crave sleep like I want to hibernate.

So it’s early morning and I was wondering if I should use this opportunity to go out and walk in the park. I could do some jogging and help my belly that is getting obese. Maybe I could go out and get something to eat as well.

I didn’t think I would write such boring things after showing up 7 months later but don’t blame me, mate. I am a common man with a poor lifestyle. We’ve all been there and we’ve all done that. Most of our day consists of boring and mundane schedule. I just hope I will get back in that “zone” of writing and updating my blog from here on once again.

It’s good bye and.. Good morning for now.